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Reilly, Michael

Michael Reilly has 30 years of experience as a diplomat, most of it in East Asia or handling policy towards the region. His previous books include Towards an EU-Taiwan Investment Agreement (2017) and The Implications of Brexit for East Asia (co-edited with David W.F.Huang, 2018).

Dr. Chun-Yi Lee is an Associate Professor in the School of Politics and International Relations (SPIR) at the University of Nottingham. Her current research project is China’s New Normal: The Impact of China’s Rise on the Global Political Economy.
A New Beginning or More of the Same?</a>

A New Beginning or More of the Same?

The EU’s interest in and engagement with North East Asia has grown massively over the last three decades, the shaping and implementation of its policy influenced heavily by the UK and its historical links with East Asia. Brexit therefore raises questions about the future of this engagement and comes against a background of wider threats to the liberal world order, especially rising tensions between the USA and China.