Kein Foto

Rick, Oliver

Oliver Rick is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Sport Management and Recreation at Springfield College, USA.
Longxi Li is a postdoctoral researcher in the Center for Leadership in Athletics at the University of Washington, USA.
Global Sports and Contemporary China</a>

Global Sports and Contemporary China

This book examines the formation of a globally oriented sports system in China, from the beginning of the reform process in 1978 to the present, focusing on the period after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It analyses how this system has shaped domestic social class identities and its role in international Chinese state politics.

Global Sports and Contemporary China</a>

Global Sports and Contemporary China

This book examines the formation of a globally oriented sports system in China, from the beginning of the reform process in 1978 to the present, focusing on the period after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It analyses how this system has shaped domestic social class identities and its role in international Chinese state politics.

Global Sports and Contemporary China</a>

Global Sports and Contemporary China

This book examines the formation of a globally oriented sports system in China, from the beginning of the reform process in 1978 to the present, focusing on the period after the Beijing 2008 Olympic Games. It analyses how this system has shaped domestic social class identities and its role in international Chinese state politics.