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Ricz, Judit

Judit Ricz (PhD) is Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies and Associate Professor at Institute of Global Studies at the Corvinus University Budapest, Hungary.

Tamás GerÅ‘cs (PhD) is External Research Fellow at the Institute of World Economics, Centre for Economic and Regional Studies  and SUNY Binghamton, United States. 

The Political Economy of Emerging Markets and Alternative Development Paths</a>

The Political Economy of Emerging Markets and Alternative Development Paths

This volume is the continuation of our research on economic and developmental policy-making in the global semi-periphery in the post-crisis cycle (see our two recently published volumes titled ‘Market-Liberalism and Economic Patriotism in Capitalist Systems’ edited by Gerőcs and Szanyi, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan and ‘The Post-Crisis Developmental State – Perspectives from the Global Periphery’ edited by Gerőcs and Ricz, 2021).

The Political Economy of Emerging Markets and Alternative Development Paths</a>

The Political Economy of Emerging Markets and Alternative Development Paths

This volume is the continuation of our research on economic and developmental policy-making in the global semi-periphery in the post-crisis cycle (see our two recently published volumes titled ‘Market-Liberalism and Economic Patriotism in Capitalist Systems’ edited by Gerőcs and Szanyi, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan and ‘The Post-Crisis Developmental State – Perspectives from the Global Periphery’ edited by Gerőcs and Ricz, 2021).