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Rönnau-Böse, Maike

Maike Rönnau-Böse is Professor of Childhood Education at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg. Her research and work at the Centre for Child and Youth Research focuses on resilience and health promotion, cooperation with parents and organizational development in day-care centres. Klaus Fröhlich-Gildhoff, a qualified psychologist, psychological psychotherapist and child and youth psychotherapist, is Professor of Developmental Psychology and Clinical Psychology at the Protestant University of Applied Sciences in Freiburg. Together with a colleague, he heads the Centre for Child and Youth Research (ZfKJ) at the University.

Resilienz und Resilienzförderung über die Lebensspanne</a>

Resilienz und Resilienzförderung über die Lebensspanne

The topic of resilience and the promotion of protective factors has been attracting increasing importance in the human sciences and health sciences in recent years & along with a paradigm shift from deficit orientation to resource orientation, and from pathogenesis to salutogenesis.