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Rother, Stefan

Stefan Rother is Professor pro tempore for Flight, Migration and Social Mobility at the University of the Bundeswehr Munich, and Senior Researcher at the Arnold-Bergstraesser-Institute at the University of Freiburg, Germany. His research focus is on international migration, the democratisation of global governance, social movements, regional integration, development and non-/post-Western theories of international relations. He has conducted extensive fieldwork in Southeast Asia as well as participant observation at global governance fora and civil society parallel and counter-events including the UN, ILO, ASEAN and WTO-level as well as the European Forum on Migration and World Social Forum on Migration. Stefan Rother has published articles in the Journal of Ethnic and Migration StudiesThird World QuarterlyCooperation and ConflictComparative Migration StudiesInternational MigrationMigration StudiesGlobalizationsEuropean Journal of East Asian StudiesAsian and Pacific Migration JournalAsia Pacific Viewpoint and several edited volumes. He has published and edited several books, including Democratization through Migration? Political Remittances and Participation of Philippine Return Migrants (with Christl Kessler, 2016).

Global Migration Governance from Below</a>

Global Migration Governance from Below

After a long time of neglect, migration has entered the arena of international politics with a force. The 2018 Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) is the latest and most comprehensive framework for global migration governance.

Global Migration Governance from Below</a>

Global Migration Governance from Below

After a long time of neglect, migration has entered the arena of international politics with a force. The 2018 Global Compact for safe, orderly and regular migration (GCM) is the latest and most comprehensive framework for global migration governance.