Kein Foto

Royer, Christof

Christof Royer holds a PhD in International Relations from the University of St Andrews, UK. He specialises in International Political Theory and is particularly interested in questions surrounding the Responsibility to Protect, the International Criminal Court and world order as well as in the political thought of Hannah Arendt, Judith Shklar, Hans Morgenthau, Bernard Williams and Chantal Mouffe. He has published in journals such as Critical Review of International Social and Political PhilosophyCriminal Law and PhilosophyHuman Rights ReviewInternational AffairsJournal of Intervention and Statebuilding, Humanity, Distinktion: Journal of Social Theory.

Polarisation in Open Societies

Royer, Christof

Polarisation in Open Societies

Is polarisation a fundamental threat to the open society? Are the divisions that run through societies and separate them into two (or more) more or less hostile groups problems to be solved? Or are they the corollaries of a vibrant democratic system that might legitimately be called an ‘open society’? These are the questions Christof Royer seeks to explore in this Essay.

Evil as a Crime Against Humanity</a>

Evil as a Crime Against Humanity

This book seeks to reimagine why and how to confront mass atrocities in world politics. Drawing on Hannah Arendt’s conception of evil, it interprets and understands mass atrocities as ‘evil’ in an ‘Arendtian’ sense, that is, as crimes against human plurality and, thus, crimes against humanity itself.