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Samuels, Robert

Robert Samuels is a Senior Continuing Lecturer at UC Santa Barbra, USA. He holds doctorates in Psychology and English, and he is the author of twenty books, including Viral Rhetoric, The Psychopathology of Political Ideology, and Freud for the Twenty-First Century (Palgrave, 2021).

Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious</a>

Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious

This book argues that whenever we are talking about cancel culture, identity politics, political correctness, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, or the alt-Right, we are dealing with a culture war, which often pits two sides against each other in a split world of good and evil.

Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious</a>

Culture Wars, Universities, and the Political Unconscious

This book argues that whenever we are talking about cancel culture, identity politics, political correctness, antisemitism, conspiracy theories, or the alt-Right, we are dealing with a culture war, which often pits two sides against each other in a split world of good and evil.