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Sarajlija, Emilia Sayaka

My name is Emilia Sayaka Sarajlija and I'm a 21-year-old young woman with lots of hindrances but a passionate dream to follow, and that is to become a successful author. I want to write books where you, as a person, can relate to some characters or situations. As someone who has been through a lot in life, I feel like it's a duty of mine to write to the best of my abilities so I can help people who are struggling and suffering inside.
If I can help just one human being, I know I have already done my job.

Immortal Illness</a>

Immortal Illness

"It's okay to not feel okay."Immortal Illness, written by the same author as Crimson Purple, is an emotional thriller with a slightly comedic twist to it. You are the protagonist, a young adult suffering from insomnia, traumas and chronic depression. This story is the protagonist's way of coping with the inner demons she has, and how to escape the endless circle that depression causes.

Crimson Purple</a>

Crimson Purple

"How tightly can you close your eyes?"Crimson Purple is a unique take on a story with supernatural and cruel elements, playing itself out in a parallel Tokyo. We get to follow the unusual lives of the twins Ayame and Ayaka. How their tales unfold is worse than one can even imagine.

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