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Schäffer, Sebastian

The editor:

Sebastian Schäffer studied political science, European law, and East European affairs in Regensburg and Munich. Since 2019, he is the Managing Director of the Institute for the Danube Region and Central Europe (IDM) in Vienna. Schäffer is also Associate Fellow at the GLOBSEC Policy Institute in Bratislava and Secretary General of the Danube Rectors’ Conference (DRC). His previous books include Balkan nach Europa – sofort! ( 2021). His articles have been published in, among other outlets, Jahrbuch der Europäischen Integration, Der Donauraum, and Fair Observer.

The author of the foreword:

Pavlo Klimkin held, among others, the office of Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine in 2014–2019.
Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe</a>

Ukraine in Central and Eastern Europe

The geopolitics of post-communist Europe are not only important for Ukraine itself, but ultimately also for the future of the continent as a whole. This concerns the interactions between Kyiv, on the one hand, and the capitals of East-Central Europe as well as the Southern Caucasus, on the other.