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Schedelik, Michael

Michael Schedelik is Lecturer and Research Associate at the Institute of Political Science at Goethe University Frankfurt where he teaches Comparative and International Political Economy. His research focuses on the politics of growth and innovation in developing and emerging economies.

The Political Economy of Upgrading Regimes: Brazil and beyond</a>

The Political Economy of Upgrading Regimes: Brazil and beyond

Today’s middle-income countries tend to be locked in a middle-income trap, unable to transition to higher income levels due to rising costs and declining competitiveness. While there is a broad consensus that upgrading these economies towards innovation-led growth is imperative, countless institutional and political economy obstacles remain.

The Political Economy of Upgrading Regimes: Brazil and beyond</a>

The Political Economy of Upgrading Regimes: Brazil and beyond

Today’s middle-income countries tend to be locked in a middle-income trap, unable to transition to higher income levels due to rising costs and declining competitiveness. While there is a broad consensus that upgrading these economies towards innovation-led growth is imperative, countless institutional and political economy obstacles remain.