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Schinzel, Hiltrud

Hiltrud Schinzel is a restorer, art historian and artist. Her art media are drawing and watercolor on paper. Her research focuses on mediation of art and science as well as aesthetics with regard to current problems.

La Storia di F - Die Geschichte des F - The story of F</a>

La Storia di F - Die Geschichte des F - The story of F

I fumetti possono non solo informare, spaventare e piacere, ma anche aiutare. Questo spin-off si chiama fumetto consolazione: E un misto di parole e immagini, realtà e sogno, speranza e desiderio, il tutto collegato da un chiaro lieto fine.Comics können nicht nur informieren, erschrecken und erfreuen, sondern auch helfen.

Once upon a future time...</a>

Once upon a future time...

Formation, Transformation, Eternal minds in eternal recreationMephisto in Goethe's Faust II 6285The author conveys reflections on viruses and people in the form of a fairy tale comedy danced on a laptop. Emotions matching the text in each case are offered by music via link.