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Schmid, Davide

Davide Schmid is a Senior Lecturer in Politics and International Relations at Manchester Metropolitan University, UK. His research sits at the intersection of Critical Theory and International Political Economy.

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations</a>

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations

This book addresses the ‘crisis of critique’ of Frankfurt School Critical Theory in International Relations and puts forward a proposal for how it can be overcome. It starts from the premise that the present conjuncture, marked by capitalist crisis and a fracturing international order, urgently calls for critical perspectives capable of clarifying the state of global affairs and the emancipatory struggles within it.

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations</a>

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations

This book presents conjuncture, marked by capitalist crisis and a fracturing international order, urgently calls for critical perspectives capable of clarifying the state of global affairs and the emancipatory struggles within it. Critical Theory in International Relations should be well placed to provide answers to this demand, yet it finds itself today in a state of decline.

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations</a>

The Poverty of Critical Theory in International Relations

This book addresses the ‘crisis of critique’ of Frankfurt School Critical Theory in International Relations and puts forward a proposal for how it can be overcome. It starts from the premise that the present conjuncture, marked by capitalist crisis and a fracturing international order, urgently calls for critical perspectives capable of clarifying the state of global affairs and the emancipatory struggles within it.