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Scholdt, Gunda

Gunda Scholdt was born in 1941 in Germany. As a graduate translater for French and English, she studied humanities, followed by years of meditation and intensive spiritual studies of Ageless Wisdom, Theosophy and Astrology. In 1982, she got a naturopath diploma and opened a Practice for Spiritual Psychology. Since 1988, she has been working as a consulting astrologer, seminar leader and spiritual teacher in a Spiritual Center in Woerthsee near Munich, with the aim of imparting comprehensive esoteric knowledge to those in search of spiritual orientation.
The Psychology of the Soul</a>

The Psychology of the Soul

This book is an introduction to Spiritual Psychology which is based on the Seven Rays. It is an in-depth and comprehensive presentation of the "path of the soul" and the true nature of the human being.The special feature is the synthetic view of the different aspects of human life, such as the monad, the soul, the personality, the seven chakras, the seven planes, the path of initiation, the causal body, but also the practice of spiritual therapy and meditation.

Esoteric Astrology</a>

Esoteric Astrology

This insightful book on Esoteric Astrology goes far beyond the classical and psychological astrological systems. Its focus is on the soul that is seeking expression in physical life through the developing personality. It gives us a much wider perspective on the spiritual purpose of life and true human nature.