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Schottroff, Luise
Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Luise Schottroff lehrte Neues Testament an den Universitäten Mainz, Kassel und Berkeley/USA.
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthians gives us an example of the way Paul interprets the Torah for Christians from the nations. He tells readers concretely and sensitively about hope in the face of death in the midst of their daily lives. He writes down prayers and songs from the messianic communities of his time.
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthian gives us an example how Paul interprets the Tora for Christians from the nations: He tells concretely, sensitively, close to their daily life about the hope against the death. He writes down prayers and songs from the messianic communities of his times.
1 Corinthians
1 Corinthian gives us an example how Paul interprets the Tora for Christians from the nations: He tells concretely, sensitively, close to their daily life about the hope against the death. He writes down prayers and songs from the messianic communities of his times.
Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth
In diesem Kommentar wird gezeigt, wie Paulus die Tora für Menschen aus den Völkern auslegt: konkret, lebensnah, sensibel und argumentierend. Er sucht nach Bildern für eine Hoffnung, die dem Tod standhält. Er schreibt die Gebete und Lieder auf, die in den messianischen Gemeinden seiner Zeit gesungen wurden.
Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time.
Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time.
Der erste Brief an die Gemeinde in Korinth
This commentary shows the way in which Paul interprets the Torah for the Gentiles: concretely, realistically, sensitively, and argumentatively. He looks for images of a hope capable of withstanding death. He records the prayers and songs that were sung in the messianic communities of his time.