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Schramm, Norbert E. W.

The author Norbert E. W. Schramm has kept and bred a wide variety of bird species since his ear-liest youth.
Since 1974 he has been a member of a traditional Dresden breeders' association and began breed-ing colour and posture canaries. Since 1985 he has been a trained judge for colour and posture canaries, carduelids, finch hybrids and later also for European birds.
His publications in specialist journals and his previous books on the breeding and keeping of canar-ies have made him well known in specialist circles. He thus makes his knowledge available to all interested bird lovers.
Compendium-Canaries, Volume 3</a>

Compendium-Canaries, Volume 3

The third volume of the book series describes in a compact form 59 posture canary breeds from all over the world in words and pictures. The special body shapes or plumage of these canaries are an expression of the breeder's will and fascinate many bird lovers worldwide.