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Schütz, Astrid

Professor Dr. Astrid Schütz lehrt Persönlichkeitspsychologie und Diagnostik an der TU Chemnitz. Cand. psych. Lasse Hoge war mehrere Jahre am Fachbereich Persönlichkeitspsychologie der TU Chemnitz tätig.



The introduction into psychology explores new developments, methodical extensions and current trends in psychology.Based on the guidelines of the German Psychological Society (DGPs), all relevant basics and areas of applications, as well as fields of activities for Bachelor and Master students and those, who are practising, are being introduced in this sixth edition.



The introduction into psychology explores new developments, methodical extensions and current trends in psychology.Based on the guidelines of the DGPs, all relevant basics and areas of applications, as well as fields of activities for Bachelor and Master students and those, who are practising, are being introduced.



The introduction into psychology explores new developments, methodical extensions and current trends in psychology.Based on the guidelines of the DGPs, all relevant basics and areas of applications, as well as fields of activities for Bachelor and Master students and those, who are practising, are being introduced.

Positives Denken</a>

Positives Denken

Spätestens seit die Welle der Motivationstrainer Mitte der neunziger Jahre über Deutschland hereinbrach, ist der Begriff Positives Denken allgemein bekannt. In den vergangenen Jahren haben Wissenschaftler verschiedene Facetten positiven Denkens und ihren Einfluss auf körperliche Gesundheit, psychisches Wohlbefinden, privaten und beruflichen Erfolg sowie Beziehungsglück untersucht.