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Sebastian, Mark

Mark Sebastian is a former member of both the Chicago Board Options Exchange and the American Stock Exchange. CIO of Karman Line Capital and the founder of Option Pit Mentoring and Consulting, a Chicago based option education firm, Sebastian has been published nationally on Yahoo Finance, quoted in the Wall Street Journal, Reuters, and Bloomberg and is a writer for Real Money on Mark is also the managing editor for Expiring Monthly: The Option Traders Journal an all digital, all options magazine. Mark has spoken for the CBOE, the ISE, CME, VOLX and is a co-host on the popular "Option Block" Podcast and is the "Volatility Reporter" for the Volatility Views podcast. Mark has a Bachelor's in Science from Villanova University.

Trading Options for Edge</a>

Trading Options for Edge

If you have experience in option trading, or a strong understanding of the options markets, but want to better understand how to trade given certain market conditions, this is the book for you. Mark Sebastian's new edition will teach trade evaluation, using Greeks, trading various spreads under different market conditions, portfolio-building, and risk management.

Trading Options for Edge</a>

Trading Options for Edge

If you have experience in option trading, or a strong understanding of the options markets, but want to better understand how to trade given certain market conditions, this is the book for you. Mark Sebastian's new edition will teach trade evaluation, using Greeks, trading various spreads under different market conditions, portfolio-building, and risk management.

Trading Options for Edge</a>

Trading Options for Edge

If you have experience in option trading, or a strong understanding of the options markets, but want to better understand how to trade given certain market conditions, this is the book for you. Mark Sebastian's new edition will teach trade evaluation, using Greeks, trading various spreads under different market conditions, portfolio-building, and risk management.