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Seyoum, Belay

Belay Seyoum is Professor of International Business in the Huizenga School of Business at Nova Southeastern University, USA. Dr. Seyoum has published three books as well as numerous articles on international business in several prestigious academic journals such as the International Business ReviewJournal of World BusinessJournal of Economic Studies, and the International Trade Journal. He is a graduate of McGill University, Canada. He is the author of the widely used textbook on export-import trade.

State Fragility, Business, and Economic Performance</a>

State Fragility, Business, and Economic Performance

The growing number of states with weak capacity to carry out basic governance functions is leading to unacceptable levels of human suffering. Using Ethiopia as a case study, this book acknowledges the multidimensional nature of state fragility and highlights the non-political factors that drive it.

State Fragility, Business, and Economic Performance</a>

State Fragility, Business, and Economic Performance

The growing number of states with weak capacity to carry out basic governance functions is leading to unacceptable levels of human suffering. Using Ethiopia as a case study, this book acknowledges the multidimensional nature of state fragility and highlights the non-political factors that drive it.