Kein Foto

Smolik, Josef

Ewelina Kancik-Kołtun, PhD, Assistant Professor in the Department Public Administration in Political Science Division, Maria Curie-Skłodowska University in Lublin. She deals with democracy, local activism, political parties and systems in the countries of Visegrad Group.
Josef Smolík, Ph.D., Associate Professor of Department of Social Studies of the Faculty of Regional Development and International Studies, Mendel University in Brno. He deals with political radicalism, political psychology, Czech political parties and security studies.
Marta Michalczuk-Wlizło, PhD a lawyer and political scientist, an assistant professor at the
Department of Political Systems and Human Rights, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in
Michał Wallner, PhD Assistant Professor in the Department Department of Political Systems and Human Rights, Maria Skłodowska-Curie University in Lublin.
New Political Parties in the Party System of Poland</a>

New Political Parties in the Party System of Poland

The main objective of this book - New Political Parties in the Party System of Poland is to analyse and investigate new political parties that were successful in the parliamentary elections of 2011, 2015 and 2019 in Poland, as well as to analyse the Polish and Czech party systems in a comparative manner.