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Soliz, Jordan

Jordan Soliz (Ph.D., University of Kansas) is Professor of Communication Studies at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln. He studies intergroup processes in family and personal relationships to understand communicative dynamics associated with individual and relational well-being. Dr. Soliz is past editor of Journal of Family Communication.

Colleen Warner Colaner (Ph.D., University of Missouri) is Associate Professor of Communication at the University of Missouri. She studies family communication, with a focus on complex family structures and children’s communication experiences.

Navigating Relationships in the Modern Family</a>

Navigating Relationships in the Modern Family

Despite growing recognition of the diversity of family forms and structures, discourses among family scholars and practitioners as well as in popular culture continue to operate from the assumption that families are fairly homogeneous in terms of the values and beliefs, social positions, and identities of individual family members.