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Stirnimann, Sonja

Sonja Stirnimann is a Swiss Certified Public Accountant, Certified Fraud Examiner, holds an international Executive MBA in Financial Services & Insurance, business mediator and hold the Board of Director Diploma. As an expert in corporate integrity, she specialises in preventing, detecting, and reacting to white-collar crime and non-compliance in global companies, as well as providing comprehensive support to those affected.

The Executives’ Risk of the Human Factor in White Collar Crime</a>

The Executives’ Risk of the Human Factor in White Collar Crime

The book provides a practical insight into the mechanisms of white-collar crime cybercrime and non-compliance. The focus is on the various forms of human behaviour patterns and the resulting risks. The aim of the book is to sensitise those responsible and to effectively support them in recognising risk factors and their early warning indicators and to act proactively.