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Tristán, Eduardo Rey

Eduardo Rey Tristán is full professor of History of Latin America at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela (Spain). He is the author of La izquierda revolucionaria uruguaya, 1955-1973 (2006) and coeditor of Latin American Guerrilla Movements. Origins, Evolution, Outcomes (2020) and Revolutionary Violence and the New Left. Transnational Perspectives (2017).

Alberto Martín Álvarez is distinguished professor in the Department of Public Law at the University of Girona, Spain, is coeditor of Toward a Global History of Latin America´s Revolutionary Left (2021), Latin American Guerrilla Movements. Origins, Evolution, Outcomes (2020) and Revolutionary Violence and the New Left. Transnational Perspectives (2017).

Building the Radical Identity</a>

Building the Radical Identity

The New Left was a broad, heterogeneous, transnational, anti-systemic movement of movements which pursued the radical transformation of power structures during the 1960s and the early 1970s. Its activists opposed all forms of oppression – class, racial, gender and so forth – and strove for the redistribution of power on a global scale.