Kein Foto

Tziampiris, Aristotle

Aristotle Tziampiris is Professor of international relations, chair of the Department of International and European Studies and director of the MSc Program in energy, strategy, law & economics at the University of Piraeus, Greece.

Foteini Asderaki is Associate Professor of European integration theory and European education policy and a Jean Monnet Chair at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece. 

The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution</a>

The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution

This book attempts to explain why despite widespread popular support (the “Greek Fire”) in the United States of America for the Greek Revolution, the promulgation in 1823 of the Monroe Doctrine led to Washington D. C.’s non-recognition of the Hellenic efforts.

The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution</a>

The Monroe Doctrine and the Greek Revolution

This book attempts to explain why despite widespread popular support (the “Greek Fire”) in the United States of America for the Greek Revolution, the promulgation in 1823 of the Monroe Doctrine led to Washington D.C.’s non-recognition of the Hellenic efforts.

The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed</a>

The New Eastern Mediterranean Transformed

This collective volume examines the evolving political dynamics of the Eastern Mediterranean. Recently, both the opportunities, such as the energy resources, and the challenges, such as the enormous migration flows, have caught the international attention since they have redefined the balance of powers in the area.