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Tzogopoulos, George N.

Dr George N. Tzogopoulos is Director of EU-China Programmes and Lecturer at the European Institute of Nice (Centre international de formation européenne, CIFE) and teaches International Relations at the Democritus University of Thrace.  He is also Fellow at the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP) and the Begin Sadat Center for Strategic Studies (BESA). George holds a BA in History from the University of Athens (Greece), an MA in Mediterranean Studies from King’s College London (University of London, UK), an MA in European Studies from the European Institute of Nice (France) and a PhD in Social Sciences from Loughborough University (UK). His previous books are: US Foreign Policy in the European Media: Framing the Rise and Fall of Neoconservatism (IB TAURIS) and The Greek Crisis in the Media: Stereotyping in the International Press (Ashgate). 

The Miracle of China</a>

The Miracle of China

This book aims to explore China's miracle under the context of complex world full of uncertainties. The author knows China's history well which makes it possible to find clues to shape China's status quo and conduct logic behind. The book is composed of six chapters.