Kein Foto

University of Lubljana

Borut Rončević is a professor of sociology at the Faculty of information Studies
(Slovenia), School of Advanced Social Studies (Slovenia) and senior researcher at
Rudolfovo research institute (Slovenia). His main research interests are technologies
and innovations in regional development and development of Central and East
European societies.
Tamara Besednjak Valič is an assistant professor of sociology at School of Advanced
Social Studies (Slovenia) and Faculty of Information Studies (Slovenia) and researcher
at Rudolfovo research institute (Slovenia). She is active in research on innovation, and
regional development along with change management interlaced with sociological
theory of social fields.
An Active Society in a Networked World</a>

An Active Society in a Networked World

The book discusses the complex and issues of the implementation of the EU’s grandstrategies. The European Union implementation deficit has become proverbial failure.While the impact of Europe 2020 has yet to be researched in greater detail, existingwork reveals substantial differences in implementation among the Member States,especially along the divisions between North and West on one hand and East andSouth on the other.