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Utermann, Sonia

Dr. rer. nat. Sonia Utermann works at the Steinbeis Transfer-Hub Berlin as international research and transfer manager. One of her research interests is the socio-economic impact of Big Science innovation. She was awarded her Ph.D. in physics at the Georg-August University in Göttingen, Germany. This thesis was inspired by her work at the time of writing at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research in Europe (FAIR).
Fostering innovation through Big Science procurement</a>

Fostering innovation through Big Science procurement

Big Science infrastructures represent a multi-billion Euro business domain that operates at the margins of what is technically possible. In the next five years, the 11 largest Big Science organisations in Europe plan to spend nearly € 40 billion on innovative technologies.

Fostering innovation through Big Science procurement</a>

Fostering innovation through Big Science procurement

Big Science infrastructures represent a multi-billion Euro business domain that operates at the margins of what is technically possible. In the next five years, the 11 largest Big Science organisations in Europe plan to spend nearly € 40 billion on innovative technologies.