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Van Vaerenbergh, Pieter

Pieter Van Vaerenbergh is an international trade and customs lawyer in Brussels. He is also a teaching assistant for EU law at the Institute for European Law of KU Leuven, a lecturer at the Europa-Institut of Saarland University and an editorial board member for the Zeitschrift for Europarechtliche Studien (ZEuS). Pieter obtained his PhD in Law from Saarland University, where he was a research associate specialising in international trade law, trade remedies, and international dispute resolution. During his PhD research, he interned at the European Court of Justice (ECJ) and the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) and coached the Saarland Vis Moot team.
Greening Trade Remedies
Environmental Considerations in the Law and Practice of WTO Trade Remedies

Van Vaerenbergh, Pieter

Greening Trade Remedies

Greening Trade Remedies</a>

Greening Trade Remedies

This book explores the role of trade remedies in liberalising environmental trade and discouraging environmentally harmful trade. As trade remedies can pose a significant obstacle to environmental trade, this book outlines how trade negotiators can implement restrictions on the application of trade remedies on environmental goods.

Greening Trade Remedies</a>

Greening Trade Remedies

This book explores the role of trade remedies in liberalising environmental trade and discouraging environmentally harmful trade. As trade remedies can pose a significant obstacle to environmental trade, this book outlines how trade negotiators can implement restrictions on the application of trade remedies on environmental goods.