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von Goldbach, Georg

Biographical information about the author
A characteristic feature of Georg von Goldbach's life is probably this polarity between his firm roots in tradition and family on the one hand, and his great geographical and intellectual mobility on the other. Throughout his life, he maintained his center in the Allgäu-Swabian homeland, even during his various studies in Munich, Berlin, Paris and Boston, which he completed with two academic master's degrees and a PhD. This also applies during his professional career from 1983 to 2023, when he worked as a political advisor and management consultant in more than 50 countries on 4 continents, always keeping the center of his life in his birthplace. Just being Swabian or German was, however, not sufficient for him. Becoming a citizen of the world became his self-determination and the purpose of his life.
This is perhaps a direct reference to the central message of this book, which calls for a conscious recognition of the historical, geographical, and cultural roots of peoples and nations. The strength that such roots confer is a crucial foundation for leaving a positive impact during the storms and challenges of geopolitics.
Georg von Goldbach's academic education is based on the three pillarsof political economy, social anthropology and consulting for organizational development and international strategic reform processes. This also indicates the perspectives taken for his analysis of international economic and political events, as well as related processes. Social anthropology may well be seen as the bridging link, because it presumes that the human being in the context of the living environment has to be put at the center of all considerations. The Swabian poet and thinker Bert Brecht put it rightly when he said: Man is Man's fate. If we want to understand this word deeply and also take it seriously, then we embark directly on the common path to freedom and peace, which this book also wants to point out to humanity.
Europe Lost Her Sovereignty</a>

Europe Lost Her Sovereignty

CONTENT OF THE BOOKHuman history does not proceed like a mechanical construct, the world is too complex for that. And yet, a certain direction and consistency in historical development become visible. Certain decisions made in 1919 by the victorious powers of the First World War led to a new order in the world.

War and Business</a>

War and Business

CONTENT OF THE BOOKThis book will encourage readers to let go of illusions and say goodbye to deceptions.The main illusion and deception we often indulge in on a global scale is to believe that much of what happens on a global political and economic level is due to chance.

The New System of Global Governance</a>

The New System of Global Governance

CONTENT OF THE BOOKThis book shows how the emerging new system of Global Governance will change due to China's economic rise and increasing political importance. There will be a paradigm shift in the functioning and interaction of the countries and nations of the earth.

The U.S. Struggle for Global Hegemony</a>

The U.S. Struggle for Global Hegemony

CONTENT OF THE BOOKThis book will encourage readers to let go of illusions and say goodbye to deceptions.The main illusion and deception we often indulge in on a global scale is to believe that much of what happens on a global political and economic level is due to chance.

Europa auf dem Weg in die Apokalypse</a>

Europa auf dem Weg in die Apokalypse

Nur wenige Menschen dürften im Schwellenjahr 1919 geahnt haben, wie wichtig die politischen Entscheidungen nach dem Ersten Weltkrieg für das zukünftige Zusammenleben auf unserem Planeten sein würden. Nach dem Ende des British Empire, der Monarchien und der klassischen Bourgeoisie wurde damals das Zeitalter der Demokratien, der Globalisierung und der Hegemonie der USA eingeläutet.

Europe on the Way to her Apocalypse</a>

Europe on the Way to her Apocalypse

Description: Content of the Book:In the threshold year of 1919, only a few people might have had a foreshadowing feeling concerning the importance of the political decisions taken after the First World War for the future coexistence of the nations on our planet.