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Wagg, Stephen

Stephen Wagg retired as Professor of Sport and Society at Leeds Beckett University in the UK in 2019. He is currently an Honorary Fellow in the International Centre for Sport History and Culture at de Montfort University, Leicester, and Visiting Professor at Newcastle University, both in the UK.
Allyson M. Pollock is Clinical Professor of Public Health in the Population Health Sciences Institute at Newcastle University in the UK and Co-Director Newcastle University Centre of Excellence in Regulatory Science.
The Palgrave Handbook of Sport, Politics and Harm</a>

The Palgrave Handbook of Sport, Politics and Harm

This book looks historically at the harm that has been inflicted in the practice of sport and at some of the issues, debates and controversies that have arisen as a result. Written by experts in history, sociology, sport journalism and public health, the book considers sport and injury in relation to matters of social class; gender; ethnicity and race; sexuality; political ideology and national identity; health and wellbeing; childhood; animal rights; and popular culture.