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Wagner, Cai

Artists without a gallery hardly stand a chance on the current art market. Looking for representation by a gallery is a necessary step, at the latest upon graduating from art college. Anyone who has still not managed to do so a few years after graduating faces serious problems, With over ten years experience as a gallery owner, Cai Wagner attempts to shed some light on the matter in Finding a Gallery. He explains the format that applications must take as well as the precise steps that are involved in the application process. Advice on changing galleries and on contract law is also provided. This guidebook is rounded off by insights into the art market and the constraints that galleries are subjected to.
Eine Galerie finden</a>

Eine Galerie finden

Künstler ohne Galerie haben im Kunstmarkt heute kaum Chancen. Spätestens nach Ende des Studiums an der Kunsthochschule wird die Suche nach einer Galerievertretung notwendig. Wer dies ein paar Jahre nach Abschluss noch nicht geschafft hat, hat ein ernstes Problem.