Kein Foto

Want, Roy

Roy Want is a Principal Engineer at Intel Research. Interests include embedded systems, mobile computing and automatic identification. Want received a BA in computer science from Cambridge University, UK in 1983 and earned a Ph.D. in distributed multimedia-systems in 1988. He joined Xerox PARC's Ubiquitous Computing program in 1991 and managed the Embedded Systems area, later earning the title of Principal Scientist. He joined Intel Research in 2000. Want is the author of more than 50 publications in the area of mobile and distributed systems; and holds 52 patents. He is a Fellow of both the IEEE and ACM.

RFID Explained</a>

RFID Explained

This lecture provides an introduction to Radio Frequency Identification (RFID), a technology enabling automatic identification of objects at a distance without requiring line-of-sight. Electronic tagging can be divided into technologies that have a power source (active tags), and those that are powered by the tag interrogation signal (passive tags); the focus here is on passive tags.