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Webster, Steven S.

Steven S. Webster has a PhD from the University of Washington, Seattle, based on field research in an indigenous transhumant society in highland Peru. Since the early 1970s he has undertaken field and ethnohistorical research with the Māori of New Zealand and taught social anthropology and Māori studies at the University of Auckland.
Sustaining Indigeneity in New Zealand</a>

Sustaining Indigeneity in New Zealand

Sustaining Indigeneity in New Zealand is a revised collection of ten essays by Steven Webster, all written since 1998. Collectively they address national policies and indigeneity movements through a lens of class inequality. Webster describes efforts to assimilate the Māori since the advent of neoliberal policies in the 1980s, with a particular focus on the ways the Māori and their supporters have resisted or subverted these policies.