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Weiland, Andreas

Born in 1944, Andreas Weiland lived in Bochum, Tamsui nr. Taipei and Aachen for many years, before he returned to his native region. He has published poetry collections, translations of poetry, art, film, dance, theater and literary criticism, book reviews, and diverse historical and urbanistic studies.
An einem Tag voller Licht</a>

An einem Tag voller Licht

Es sind oft verkappte Liebesgedichte, die der Gedichtband "An einem Tag voller Licht" darbietet; sie sprechen voll Sympathie von Autoren wie Fumiko Hayashi (1903-1951), von einem Regisseur wie Ozu, von den Ainu des spät kolonisierten Hokkaido. Aber auch von Burakumin-Kindern oder dem Arbeiter einer Motorradfabrik, der sich eines Tages auf den Weg nach Norden macht, wie Basho.

The Blackness of Black</a>

The Blackness of Black

Blackness of Black is a book that features poems dedicated to an exciting, innovative artist, Nan Hoover. Nan Hoover, born in NYC in 1931, was not only an experimenting video artist, but also an inspired and inspiring live performer. She was also known for sublime drawings and fine paintings as well as light installations.