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Wiesendahl, Elmar

Prof. Dr. Elmar Wiesendahl lehrte Politikwissenschaft an der Universität der Bundeswehr München. 

Political Party Research</a>

Political Party Research

The book by the well-known German party researcher Elmar Wiesendahl presents the development, theoretical perspectives, research approaches, and fields of investigation in party research in light of the state of the art.

Political Party Research</a>

Political Party Research

The book by the well-known German party researcher Elmar Wiesendahl presents the development, theoretical perspectives, research approaches, and fields of investigation in party research in light of the state of the art.

Sparta ante Portas – von der Aushöhlung der Inneren Führung</a>

Sparta ante Portas – von der Aushöhlung der Inneren Führung

Over the years, representatives of the Athens and Sparta schools of thought in the Bundeswehr have been engaged in a controversy over the meaning and further development of Innere Führung. While Innere Führung in the Athenian sense was initially still defined by the "army in democracy" and the "citizen in uniform", the Bundeswehr's combat experiences in Afghanistan led to a shift towards Sparta.

Sparta ante Portas – von der Aushöhlung der Inneren Führung</a>

Sparta ante Portas – von der Aushöhlung der Inneren Führung

Over the years, representatives of the Athens and Sparta schools of thought in the Bundeswehr have been engaged in a controversy over the meaning and further development of Innere Führung. While Innere Führung in the Athenian sense was initially still defined by the "army in democracy" and the "citizen in uniform", the Bundeswehr's combat experiences in Afghanistan led to a shift towards Sparta.



Das Buch des bekannten deutschen Parteienforschers Elmar Wiesendahl stellt die Entwicklung, theoretischen Perspektiven, Forschungsansätze und Untersuchungsfelder der Parteienforschung mit Blick auf den aktuellen Diskussionsstand dar.



Das Buch des bekannten deutschen Parteienforschers Elmar Wiesendahl stellt die Entwicklung, theoretischen Perspektiven, Forschungsansätze und Untersuchungsfelder der Parteienforschung mit Blick auf den aktuellen Diskussionsstand dar.