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Wilhelm-Gößling, Claudia

Dr. Claudia Wilhelm-Gössling is Chief Physician in the Department of Addiction Medicine and Psychotherapy at KRH Psychiatry in Wunstorf and works as a trainer and supervisor for the Milton Erickson Society (MEG). Dr. Cornelie Schweizer works as a systemic therapist and hypnotherapist in her own practice, is an instructor and supervisor for the MEG and is involved as a hypnotherapist in research conducted by Prof. Batras in Tübingen University=s Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in the areas of depression, tobacco withdrawal, gambling and anxiety. Charlotte Dürr, a qualified psychologist, works with a focus on hypnotherapy and depth psychology in long-standing collaboration with the Milton Erickson Society in Tübingen and in psychiatric-psychotherapeutic clinical work. Dr. Kristina Fuhr, a psychological psychotherapist with a focus on behavioural therapy and a hypnotherapist, works in the Department of Psychiatry and Psychotherapy in Tübingen University Hospital. Together with Prof. Anil Batra, she directed and conducted the study comparing hypnotherapy with cognitive behavioural therapy for depression. Emeritus Prof. Dirk Revenstorf, Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Tübingen, heads the Milton Erickson Institute in Tübingen.

Hypnotherapie bei Depressionen</a>

Hypnotherapie bei Depressionen

Dieses Buch enthält verschiedene hypnotherapeutische Strategien und Techniken zur Behandlung von Depressionen. Es wurde von den Autorinnen und Autoren aus ihrer langjährigen klinischen Praxis heraus erarbeitet. In einer randomisiert-kontrollierten Studie wurden die hier dargestellten Methoden überprüft und zeigten sich im Vergleich mit der bewährten Kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie als ebenso wirksam.