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Windahl, Nalle

Nalle Windahl writes is a Swedish writer that for unknown reasons have focused on writing some of his books exclusively in English (so far). Among the releases are fiction books like this, and a fantasy series called "The Saga Quadrology". He has also released several books in the ihappy-series, where you can work with yourself to develop as a person.



Is it true, that the enemy of my enemy is my friend?...and what do you say, when someone you care about tells you unexpected things , does that change anything?With every card on the table, and new companions, is it possible to beat the N3v3r!and?And what is Darksky and the D00msD@y protocol?This is the third book in the M3rqrie-series.



Do you remember M3rqrie? Did you follow the hunt for N3v3r!and? If you did, then the story continues here. If not, the first book is a better place to start, than to start with this one. But as always, it is your choice! Speaking of choice. M3rqrie made quite a few in the last book, leaving them in a lonelier place than when the first book started.



The hacker M3rqrie is looking for the secret organization N3v3r!and, an organization that operates in the shadows of the dark web trying to expose the truth behind all global leaders and companies that are trying to cover up their real intentions and keep us unknowing sheep in the fold.