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Xiao, Renfu

Renfu Xiao is a well-known and well-liked novelist about officials and biography of historical figures in China. He has worked as a farmer, a teacher, and officials involved education, finance, government and association, thus knows every nuance of the officialdom. He loves to write as a part-time writer, has published more than a dozen novels about officials, five biographies of historical figures in China, more than forty books of essays and collections for short novel, the total word counts are over ten millions. He is the best novelist about officials in China and his books have been well-received by Chinese readers for a long time.
Confidant 1</a>

Confidant 1

ForQualification Yang tried very hard to accomplish his dream to become an official. He tried with every means available to him, through repeated setbacks, finally his dream came true, he became the chief of the Logistic Department from a driver and then a confidant of a director.

Confidant 2</a>

Confidant 2

ForQualification Yang tried very hard to accomplish his dream to become an official. He tried with every means available to him, through repeated setbacks, finally his dream came true, he became the chief of the Logistic Department from a driver and then a confidant of a director.

Fortunes of Officials</a>

Fortunes of Officials

Fortunes of Officials is a story about the whole process of StrongIdeal Gao to become the most powerful person-- the secretary from deputy secretary of municipal committee of Near Violet City with a population of seven million people and to resign from the post.

Under Sunshine</a>

Under Sunshine

GreatWave Yu was a chief of investigation department of discipline inspection and supervision of communist party of Talent City, Provincial Capital of Talent Sea Province. During his investigation of GoodVirtue Miu, the director of Central Hospital of the city, he found six millions yuan in coffin and twenty three millions in burial ground prepared by GoodVirtue Mu to his mother who was in very good healthy condition.