Kein Foto

Xie, Fuzhan

Fuzhan Xie is President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Secretary of the leading Party members’ group, Academician of CASS, and Chairman of the Presidium of Academic Division. His main research fields include macroeconomic policy, public policy, regional development policy, etc.
Fang Cai is Academician and Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, Member of the leading Party members’ group, and Secretary General of the Presidium of Academic Division. His main research fields include labor economics, population economics, economic growth, income distribution, and China's economic reform.
Xuesong Li is Deputy Director of the Institute of Industrial Economics of Chinese Academy of Social Sciences and Director of the Center for Macroeconomic Research, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. His main research fields are quantitative economics, macroeconomics, and economic policy evaluation.
The New Journey of China’s Economic and Social Development</a>

The New Journey of China’s Economic and Social Development

This book aims at China's economic and social development, which has embarked on a new journey. It collects more than 20 major research achievements of researchers in relevant fields of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences. These topics cover rural revitalization and anti-poverty, industrialization and manufacturing transformation, service industry upgrading, fiscal and taxation system and fiscal sustainability, major financial reform, industry and competition policy, ownership structure, new pattern of opening up, digital economy, innovation driven, financial stability, macro-control, new urbanization, regional development, ecological environment, aging population, labor market, income distribution, social governance, people's livelihood, social security, the rule of law, cultural power, and other major issues.