Kein Foto

Yokemoto, Masafumi

Masafumi Yokemoto, Osaka Metropolitan University
Miho Hayashi, Foundation for Environmental Rehabilitation and Redevelopment of Mizushima
Mayuko Shimizu, Ryukoku University
Keiji Fujiyoshi, Otemon Gakuin University
Environmental Pollution and Community Rebuilding in Modern Japan</a>

Environmental Pollution and Community Rebuilding in Modern Japan

This book describes how modern industry affected people in Japan and their communities by polluting their living environment with toxic emissions. It also shows how the populace endeavored not only to restore their once-clean environment but also to rebuild communities that had been damaged by pollution and its accompanying effects.

Environmental Pollution and Community Rebuilding in Modern Japan</a>

Environmental Pollution and Community Rebuilding in Modern Japan

This book describes how modern industry affected people in Japan and their communities by polluting their living environment with toxic emissions. It also shows how the populace endeavored not only to restore their once-clean environment but also to rebuild communities that had been damaged by pollution and its accompanying effects.