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Zapff, Burkard M.

Prof. Burkard M. Zapff teaches Old Testament Studies at the Catholic University of Eichstätt-Ingolstadt.



Major parts of the book of Micah were probably composed in the context of a book containing a number of prophetic writings - even as many as twelve. They can therefore only be understood and interpreted adequately within that context. That process of interpretation sheds light on an essential segment of the history of Old Testament theology: it was not primarily a matter of the statements of lone individual prophetic figures but of a common testimony to YHWH's speaking and acting in the history of his people.



Major parts of the book of Micah were probably composed in the context of a book containing a number of prophetic writings - even as many as twelve. They can therefore only be understood and interpreted adequately within that context. That process of interpretation sheds light on an essential segment of the history of Old Testament theology: it was not primarily a matter of the statements of lone individual prophetic figures but of a common testimony to YHWH's speaking and acting in the history of his people.



Major parts of the book of Micah were probably composed in the context of a book containing a number of prophetic writings - even as many as twelve. They can therefore only be understood and interpreted adequately within that context. That process of interpretation sheds light on an essential segment of the history of Old Testament theology: it was not primarily a matter of the statements of lone individual prophetic figures but of a common testimony to YHWH's speaking and acting in the history of his people.



Wesentliche Teile der Michaschrift sind wahrscheinlich im Kontext eines Mehr- oder Zwölfprophetenbuches entstanden und können deshalb nur in diesem Zusammenhang angemessen verstanden und interpretiert werden. So wird hier ein Stück alttestamentlicher Theologiegeschichte sichtbar, der es nicht in erster Linie um die Aussage der einzelnen, individuellen Prophetengestalt ging, sondern vor allem um das allgemeine Zeugnis vom Sprechen und Handeln JHWHs in der Geschichte seines Volkes.



Significant parts of the text of Micah were probably written as part of a book of several prophets & or twelve prophets & and can therefore only be adequately understood and interpreted in that context. A piece of Old Testament theological history thus becomes visible here that was not primarily concerned with the message of a single, individual prophetic figure, but above all with general testimony to YHWH=s speech and action in the history of his people.



Significant parts of the text of Micah were probably written as part of a book of several prophets & or twelve prophets & and can therefore only be adequately understood and interpreted in that context. A piece of Old Testament theological history thus becomes visible here that was not primarily concerned with the message of a single, individual prophetic figure, but above all with general testimony to YHWH=s speech and action in the history of his people.