Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities</a>

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities

This book reports on the results of a survey of 38 major Chinese cities’ public service performances and provides an overview of the development of basic public services in the larger cities. The quality of urban public services is examined from 9 different perspectives: basic healthcare and public health, housing, public transportation, public security, employment and social security, compulsory education, urban environment, culture and sports, and government services.

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities</a>

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities

This book reports on the results of a survey of 38 major Chinese cities’ public service performances and provides an overview of the development of basic public services in the larger cities. The quality of urban public services is examined from 9 different perspectives: basic healthcare and public health, housing, public transportation, public security, employment and social security, compulsory education, urban environment, culture and sports, and government services.

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities</a>

Evaluation of Basic Government Service Capability in Chinese Cities

This book reports on the results of a survey of 38 major Chinese cities’ public service performances and provides an overview of the development of basic public services in the larger cities. The quality of urban public services is examined from 9 different perspectives: basic healthcare and public health, housing, public transportation, public security, employment and social security, compulsory education, urban environment, culture and sports, and government services.