Kein Foto

Zhu, Haiyan

Editor Haiyan Zhu is a chief physician and a professor at the Emergency Department, The First Medical Center of Chinese PLA General Hospital, Beijing, China.

Sudden Death</a>

Sudden Death

This book provides up-to-date guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of sudden death, including sudden cardiac and non-cardiac death. Sudden death (SD) has become a major challenge confronting not only cardiologists, but also specialists in respiratory medicine, endocrine medicine, infectious diseases, etc.

Sudden Death</a>

Sudden Death

This book provides up-to-date guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of sudden death, including sudden cardiac and non-cardiac death. Sudden death (SD) has become a major challenge confronting not only cardiologists, but also specialists in respiratory medicine, endocrine medicine, infectious diseases, etc.

Sudden Death</a>

Sudden Death

This book provides up-to-date guidance on the diagnosis and treatment of sudden death, including sudden cardiac and non-cardiac death. Sudden death (SD) has become a major challenge confronting not only cardiologists, but also specialists in respiratory medicine, endocrine medicine, infectious diseases, etc.