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Zhu, Weijian

Weijian Zhu is a member of Chinese writers’ association and a well-known writer about police, and has been working in NenJiang Bureau of Public Security. For his name Wei means maintain, link, and keep; Jian means toughness, hardness, strength and fortitude. While fighting various criminals in his job, he has published thirteen novels Black & White Way, Mission, Desperate Situation, Pitch Black--Words from a director of bureau of public security, By order of People, and Heart of Detective etc. and the collection of his writings. He has gotten award of Golden Shield Literature from Ministry of Public Security for five times. He has written six TV plays including Black and White Life, Mission 2: Silence etc.
Black or White Ways 1</a>

Black or White Ways 1

Late in night a sharp knife was pierced into the heart of an investor from other place by a mysterious killer, police had put all its efforts to solve the case without making any progress. From then on many dead bodies were left in street by the mysterious killer with a knife, and people in the city were scared by what they heard about the cases.

Black or White Ways 2</a>

Black or White Ways 2

Late in night a sharp knife was pierced into the heart of an investor from other place by a mysterious killer, police had put all its efforts to solve the case without making any progress. From then on many dead bodies were left in street by the mysterious killer with a knife, and people in the city were scared by what they heard about the cases.