Kein Foto

Ziai, Wendy C.

Wendy C. Ziai, MD, MPH

Departments of Neurology, Neurosurgery, Anesthesiology, and Critical Care Medicine

The Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine

Baltimore, MD, USA

Christy L. Cornwell, BS, RVT, NVS

Neurosonology Consultant

Cardiovascular Ultrasound Services, Inc.

Columbus, OH, USA

Neurovascular Sonography</a>

Neurovascular Sonography

This book provides a comprehensive and concise, review of the fundamental concepts and clinical indications for Transcranial Doppler (TCD) imaging.  An overview of the physics of ultrasonography as it pertains to TCD is presented, as well as neuroanatomy and cerebrovascular physiology in healthy and diseased states.

Neurovascular Sonography</a>

Neurovascular Sonography

This book provides a comprehensive and concise, review of the fundamental concepts and clinical indications for Transcranial Doppler (TCD) imaging.  An overview of the physics of ultrasonography as it pertains to TCD is presented, as well as neuroanatomy and cerebrovascular physiology in healthy and diseased states.