Cover: Dragons and Magicians
Daniel Geißler
Dragons and Magicians
- The Magical Fire
ISBN: 978-3-910-49810-5
170 Seiten | € 12.90
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Daniel Geißler

Dragons and Magicians

The Magical Fire

The magical fire is the past, the present and the future in the world of dragons. Shocked, the Council of Elders must watch as the mage Ludwig steals the fire and disappears into the outlandish world called Earth.
As if that were not enough, due to a speech error of the crier Lapsus, not the most powerful dragon in the universe is charged with the pursuit, but the Relaxo dragon Silaschur, who reluctantly complies.
Together with the forest wizard Simal and the ice witch Zitadella, Silaschur must overcome three seals and the monsters that guard it, so that Ludwig's fortress rises and they can snatch the fire back from the wizard.
If they fail, the world of dragons will sink into darkness...

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Veröffentlichung: 01.01.2024
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 20 cm / B 13 cm / -
Seiten 170
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 12.90
Preis AT EUR 13.30
Auflage 1. Auflage
Reihe Drachen und Magier 1
ISBN-13 978-3-910-49810-5
ISBN-10 3910498108

Über den Autor

1980 geboren in München. 1999 Abitur in Borken, Westfalen. 2007 Abschlüsse an der Westfälischen-Wilhelms-Universität Münster in BWL und VWL. 2009 Kreation von "Münster in 3D". Seit 2016 Manager bei Metro Advertising, Düsseldorf.

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