Cover: The Books of Heaven - Azul
Sascha Schumacher
The Books of Heaven - Azul
ISBN: 978-3-980-95464-8
311 Seiten | € 5.90
E-Book [Kindle]
Sascha Schumacher

The Books of Heaven - Azul

Imagine that everything you've believed in up until now was merely a preparation to understand this fairy tale.
Once, before time began, God crafted our universe. With a creation that extends far beyond the infinite boundaries of its stars.
This is the tale of some of the Supreme Djinn in the Heavenly Temple and their quest for the ultimate power. A power that can only be achieved through the utmost connection in the universe.
This is the story of the Ahab, who were once God's most cherished species, and yet they realized his gravest fear and threatened the universe with darkness.
Azul had warned the Supreme Djinn. He wanted no part in their plans and ambitions.
Yet, no place in this story holds more significance than his.

Schumacher, Sascha

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Veröffentlichung: 26.10.2023
Seiten 311
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 5.90
Preis AT EUR 6.10
Auflage 1. Auflage
ISBN-13 978-3-980-95464-8

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