Cover: Economic Creatures
Denny N. Dwight
Economic Creatures
- Book two - The creatures´virus
ISBN: 978-3-988-65566-0
304 Seiten | € 13.95
Buch [Taschenbuch]
Denny N. Dwight

Economic Creatures

Book two - The creatures´virus

Book 2 of 3: Hardy has a hot lead that could finally provide him with answers to his questions. Together with Madeline, Frank, Dimitrij and Esra, he takes the dangerous journey and finds new allies in Harry and his community. But Hardy's fight against the creature has left traces that are becoming more and more obvious and seem inexplicable. After a brutal attack on Madeline, the community is surprisingly attacked by undead. With an old locomotive, they cross the vast steppes of Russia and repeatedly get into dicey situations. Shortly before Moscow, a ruthless and well-organized group appears in an attack helicopter, who only want one thing - Hardy. Using Madeline and Frank as leverage, Hardy complies with every request from Castor, a sick psychopath. Hardy meets would-be philanthropist Lydia, who resides in a well-protected mansion and apparently knows more about him than he does. Over dinner, the situation between the parties escalates and Hardy finds himself in a seemingly hopeless situation. Meanwhile, a horde of undead makes its way to the supposedly safe estate. The chaos is pre-programmed. Denny N. Dwight's cliché-laden declaration of love to the horror and action films of the 80s, 90s and early 2000s enters its second round. Again, he makes use of numerous quotes and allusions from films of these eras. In addition, the author brings up many topics that have been making the rounds among conspiracy theorists for years.

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Höhe/Breite/GewichtH 190 cm / B 125 cm / -
Art des MediumsBuch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DEEUR 13.95
Preis ATEUR 14.40
Auflage1. Auflage
ReiheEconomic Creatures - Buch eins 2

Über den Autor

Denny N. Dwight, geboren 1976, ist Autor und Sprecher, der bereits unter diversen Pseudonymen Bücher geschrieben und veröffentlicht hat. Ebenso war er als Ghostwriter aktiv in viele Projekte involviert. Bevor Denny N. Dwight mit seinem ersten Roman begann, war er als Medienoperator und Grafiker tätig. Economic Creatures veröffentlichte er 2022 unter Pseudonym im Eigenverlag. Er lebt und arbeitet in Deutschland, wobei er nicht gerne ortsgebunden agiert.

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