Cover: Crime's Power
P. Parnell
Crime's Power
- Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime
ISBN: 978-1-403-96180-8
310 Seiten | € 74.89
Buch [Taschenbuch]
P. Parnell

Crime's Power

Anthropologists and the Ethnography of Crime

4.0/5.00 bei 1 Reviews - aus dem Web

The changes that are engulfing the world today - the fall of nation-states and dictatorships, migrations and border crossings, revolution, democratization, and the international spread of capital - call for new approaches to the subject of crime. Anthropologists engage a variety of methods to answer that call in Crime's Power . Their view of crime extends into the intimacies of everyday life as war transforms personal identities, the violence of a serial killer inhabits paintings, and as the feel of imprisonment reveals society's potentials. Moving beyond the fixities of law, this book explores the nature of crime as an expression of power across the spectrum of human differences.

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Veröffentlichung: 20.01.2004
Höhe/Breite/Gewicht H 21,6 cm / B 14 cm / -
Seiten 310
Art des Mediums Buch [Taschenbuch]
Preis DE EUR 74.89
Preis AT EUR 76.99
ISBN-13 978-1-403-96180-8
ISBN-10 1403961808

Über den Autor

PHILIP C. PARNELL is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Indiana University in Bloomington with appointments in Anthropology, Caribbean and Latin American Studies, and the Center on Southeast Asia. He is author of the book Escalating Disputes: Social Participation and Change in the Oaxacan Higlands. He has also recently served as the American Ethnologist's Editor for Reviews.

STEPHANIE C. KANE is an Associate Professor of Criminal Justice at Indiana University with appointments in Anthropology, Folklore, and Latin American Studies. She is author of The Phantom Gringo Beat: Shamanic Discourse and Development in Panama and AIDS Alibis: Sex, Drugs, and Crime in the Americas.

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