Cover: The Chuck Reid Report on the Haysom/Soering Case
Chuck Reid
The Chuck Reid Report on the Haysom/Soering Case
ISBN: 978-3-982-56503-3
171 Seiten | € 7.90
E-Book [Kindle]
Chuck Reid

The Chuck Reid Report on the Haysom/Soering Case

The lead detective spills the beans! 38 years after the murders of the Haysom couple, Chuck Reid (Senior Investigator, Bedford County Sheriff’s Department, ret.) puts an end to the speculations surrounding the case.
Over 170 pages, he presents his each piece of evidence as it came across his desk in 1985. Then he goes on to examine the trial in 1990 and all of the developments over the following decades. Reid’s report avoids argument and instead presents trial records, forensic reports, letters and crime scene photographs, so that readers can form their own opinions.

“Just the facts, ma’am!” That principle should have guided the investigation of the case, the trials and the appeals. Sadly, it didn’t. But now, with Chuck Reid’s report, readers will finally get all the facts — including those the jury at Soering’s trial never saw.

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Veröffentlichung: 01.11.2023
Seiten 171
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 7.90
Preis AT EUR 8.20
ISBN-13 978-3-982-56503-3

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