Cover: A Study of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette
Jiali Zhou
A Study of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette
- From Theory to Practice
ISBN: 978-9-811-90687-9
281 Seiten | € 106.99
E-Book [Kindle]
Jiali Zhou

A Study of Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette

From Theory to Practice

This book, with its focus on the study of diplomatic protocol and etiquette, collects high-quality papers written by scholars in diplomatic protocol from nine countries, including US, UK, Russia, Japan, Canada, Netherlands, India and China. As a result of in-depth international academic cooperation, it explores diplomatic protocol from three dimensions of theory, practice and country-specific and has the characteristics of internationality and nationality. From a global perspective, it is the first time that experts from so many countries work together in diplomatic protocol which makes this book present a more comprehensive and diverse overview. 
This book, as an effort made to enhance understanding among different cultures and facilitate the harmonious coexistence of people across the world, is remarkably helpful for promoting the research of diplomatic protocol and etiquette, exploring the true connotation of protocol and etiquette, and improving its practicality in realities. 

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Original Titel 从理论到实践——外交礼宾礼仪研究
Veröffentlichung: 25.04.2022
Seiten 281
Art des Mediums E-Book [Kindle]
Preis DE EUR 106.99
ISBN-13 978-9-811-90687-9
ISBN-10 9811906874

Über den Autor

Zhou Jiali, Dr. Zhou is an associate professor in the Diplomacy Department of China Foreign Affairs University (CFAU), and Vice President of Association of Image Consultant International (AICI). Her research fields include diplomatic protocol, international etiquette, personal image building, interpersonal communication, and public diplomacy. Dr. Zhou published several monographs and nearly 60 academic papers, articles and column articles. Zhou Jiali is an expert in Diplomatic Protocol and Etiquette and Personal Image Building in China.
Zhang Guobin, Senior Diplomat, Vice Chairman of the Chahar Institute, Executive Director of the China Society for Human Rights Studies, Director of the Chinese Council of the BRICS Think Tank Cooperation, former Chinese Consul General in Strasbourg (France), and Chinese Consul General in Reunion (France). He has successively served in the Department of African Affairs, the General Office, the Protocol Department, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse, and the Department of Consular Affairs (Centre for Consular Assistance and Protection). Mr. Zhang has been a member of resident representative office in Africa for 8 years and France for 11 years. He has visited more than 140 countries and accompanied national leaders to more than 30 countries. He published several monographs in diplomacy.

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